Downtown Transit Center
The ADA compliant Downtown Transit Center opened in December 2015 providing more than 2,000 daily passengers who come downtown a safe and efficient means to transfer buses. Buses enter and depart in different directions and wait for passengers in two sheltered parallel lanes.
During operating hours, the Downtown Transit Center is open to provide passengers with a comfortable lobby to wait in, restrooms, vending machines, and a live Attendant to answer your questions and to purchase tickets and passes from. There are also printed schedules and community information available from display racks.
Blue Water Area Transit’s bus transit center project included more than $2.5 million in improvements to the surrounding downtown area. BWAT improved landscaping, lighting, parking, walkways, outdoor seating, and roads.
“Our goal was to make the area attractive and accessible to the more than 2,000 riders who board buses downtown every weekday,” said Dave McElroy, BWAT general manager. “We’ve also made the area more appealing for all downtown visitors.”
In addition to BWAT funds, the $9.8 Million bus transit center project was made possible by support from federal funds (70%) and state funding (17.5%).
Rotunda Lobby Waiting Area Inside

Nighttime at the Center

View from Superior Mall

View from Bus Lanes

Attendant's Window

Women's Restroom

Vending Machines

Men's Restroom